Best Poetry Quotes

All bad poetry springs from genuine feeling.

Oscar Wilde

Photography, painting or poetry - those are just extensions of me, how I perceive things; they are my way of communicating.

Viggo Mortensen

I'm happy to be a writer - of prose, poetry, every kind of writing. Every person in the world who isn't a recluse, hermit or mute uses words. I know of no other art form that we always use.

Maya Angelou

I love the simple poetry of theater, where you can stand in a spotlight on a stage and wrap a coat around you, and say, 'It was 1860 and it was winter...'

Gary Oldman

I have a publishing company of books by me and books of others. It drew people to poetry readings and photo exhibitions and painting exhibitions that I've been doing for years before that.

Viggo Mortensen

On a practical level, poetry isn't something anybody has really made a great living at. I might sell some books and, once in a while, someone might pay to hear me read.

Viggo Mortensen

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